Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mother's Day Revisited

Dear Mother in Waiting,

I know this week is painful for you. For some of you, this week reminds you of a life lost, or maybe a life not yet had. And it hurts. Deeply. I want you to know that I am praying for you. I may not know you but I know you. I won't try to compare my situation to your's. I can't and I wouldn't try. May I say something to you, from one mother's heart to another mother's heart? Know that you are loved. Loved fiercely by God. He hears your cry. When you have nothing left to give but your tears He is there. In your midst. Singing over you. As His daughter, I can only imagine His feeling He has for you. People won't get it. They will be self-absorbed and forget about your pain. Just remember that your Father remembers. He always remembers. You are so loved. I hope and pray that brings some comfort if only for a moment. May He bless you and keep you this Mother's Day.


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