Monday, April 12, 2010

It's a Start

I have this huge desire to start a garden. It's a bit of a problem considering my hubs and I don't have any land to toil. Nonetheless, I've attempted to make the most of what I've been given and have started a collection of potted herbs. Thyme, sage, parsley, basil. Nothing fancy. Not complete but it's a start. IT'S A START. It took me awhile to visit the garden section and actually start my garden, as tiny as it may have to be for the time being. I hated the idea of only being able to get a couple of the plants. I wanted it all dang it! Right then! Gazing at the beautiful gardens online didn't help my motivation when I realized my potted plants would be living on our balcony in the middle of the city. My dream is to have a garden consisting of rosemary, basil, thyme, sage, parsley, tarragon, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, garlic, peppers, lemons, oranges, cherries, avocados, lettuce, cabbage, and cilantro. I have no doubt that list will grow but as for now that list is my dream garden. My real garden is four edible herbs planted with organic soil in two terracotta pots. The dream garden seems like a possibility now that I've stepped out and STARTED my garden.

I can't believe I'm using a garden as a life metaphor as that seems all too cheesy for my coolness but I can't help myself. I have spent far too much of my time dreaming up things for my life of what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be, where I wanted to go, etc. and not doing a whole lot of pursuing. I'm not saying dreaming is bad! Oh no no no no no. If you know me, you know I'm a dreamer. It's like this force within me. Give me five minutes by myself and I will have planned out 18 different places to live, 34 possible careers, and 180 different ministries to be a part of. The problem is that dreaming can be paralyzing. It's safe. It's easy. You can inevitably forgive yourself for not pursuing Dream A because you can just move on to the next Dream B. Dream B eventually gets replaced until all of a sudden you're looking at Dream Q.

I'm learning that I need to start somewhere. So, for now, I'm starting with two potted plants. I'm starting with three guinea pigs. I'm starting with keeping 720 sq. ft. of home in order. I'm starting with reading, praying, journaling regularly. I'm starting where I'm at and putting one foot in front of the other. The dreams I have don't seem so daunting when I take the little steps to get there.

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